Thursday, November 4, 2010

5 Tips for Healthy Vision..

1.Work in a well-lighted area. While dim lighting may not harm eyes, it can cause temporary eyestrain. When you do use artificial illumination, use full-spectrum light bulbs, which mimic natural light.

2.Keep your computer screen clean, at or below eye level, and about two feet away from your eyes.

3.Take frequent breaks. Look away from the computer screen or other reading materials every 10 minutes for about 10 seconds at a time. In addition, get up and move around or do some stretches every two hours or so.

4.Get enough sleep. Fatigue can increase eyestrain, while rest refreshes tired eyes.

5.See your eye doctor regularly. To catch potentially serious eye problems early, people ages 40 to 64 should have their eyes examined every two to four years and those who are age 65 and older should be tested every one to two years.


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